Winter bathing in North Jutland
Winter bathing is a popular activity for many Danes who enjoys a dip in the cold water even when the temperature is freezing. It is a fun and adrenalin packed way to start of the day, and many believes that the cold water has positive health benefits.
Skagen Winter Bathing Festival - 23. - 26 of january 2025
Skagen Winter Bathing Festival takes the plunge into the waves the last weekend of January. Here, you can enjoy a refreshing dip in the cold waters of Skagen and, none least, share the cozy camaraderie with many other winter bathers from across the country.
Wood-fired saunas are set up along the beach, where you can re-heat after your icy dip in the ocean.
Vi anbefaler disse spots til Vinterbadning – Kom ud og mærk suset!
Nordjylland byder på spektakulære steder at tage den kolde dukkert. Fra rå naturoplevelser til hyggelige badehuse, kan du finde den perfekte placering til at få blodet til at bruse. Her er vores anbefalinger til spots, hvor du kan opleve vinterbadningens magi. Tag med på en iskold rejse og oplev, hvad vinterbadning kan.
5 great spots for winter bathing in North Jutland
There are many excellent winter bathing opportunities in North Jutland. You can freely winter bathe from the most beaches, and in many harbor areas, there are bathing bridges available. If you wish to use sauna and changing facilities, you can contact the bathing clubs in the area through their website. They will guide you on the club's internal rules and options for guest bathing.
Winter bathing in Skagen
In Skagen you will find several opportunities to go winter bathing. The winter bathing club: Isbryderne (The Ice Breakers) are located at the soft sand beach Sønderstrand. The waves are often bigger and the ocean wilder at Skagens northern beach Nordstrand, which demands stricter precautions. Further south is the stone beach Gammel Skagen Strand.
Winter bathing in Frederikshavn
In Frederikshavn you will find the winter bathing club: Isingerne (The Ice Fishes). They are located at Rønnerhavnen a bit north of Frederikshavn. Her you will find a nice bathing jetty with a ladder which makes it easy to access the cold water. Do you instead prefer to bathe directly from the beach, there is good bathing conditions at both the northern and southern part of Frederikshavn harbor.
Winter bathing at Læsø
Vesterø Vinterbadere (Vesterø Winther Bathers) are located at Vesterø harbor near the Ferry. This winter bathing club is equipped with a nice bathing jetty and a sauna. Læsø has many great beaches with sandy bottoms and clear water, here it is worth mentioning Storedalen and along the north coast and Østerby Harbor.
Winter bathing at Sæby
In Sæby, it is possible to winter bathe from the beaches south and north of Sæby Harbor. The local winter bathing club is located in the newly constructed harbor in Sæby, where there are excellent winter bathing facilities. Additionally, from Hotel Aahøj, you can also enjoy winter bathing in Sæby Å
Winter bathing in Aalborg
The most popular winter bathing opportunity in Aalborg is located at Vestre Fjordpark, where a bathing bridge and a ladder makes it easy to access the cold water. This is also the location of the winter bathing club Isbjørnen (The Polar Bear).
- Vinterbad aldrig alene
- Træk vejret roligt - det kolde vand kan give midlertidig åndenød
- Nøjes med korte dyp på f.eks. 5-10 sekunder de første gange du vinterbader
- Gå langsomt på badebroen og trappetrinene, da de kan være glatte
- Spring aldrig i det kolde vand på hovedet
- Vinterbad aldrig hvis du er påvirket af alkohol
Find flere gode råd til sikker vinterbadning på respektforvand.dk

Photo:Destination NORD