Angling in North Jutland
A holiday in eastern North Jutland can offer almost all types of fishing. Here there is sea, fjord, streams, lakes – and both salt and fresh water. Pack your fishing gear and head to North Jutland, where almost all Danish fish species are within reach.
The opportunity for a wonderful fishing experience at sea can be found all the way up the east coast and in the Limfjord.
Coastal, fjord and pier fishing also has its charm, and all the way up the coast, in the fjords and bays, there are really good fishing spots. If you want to catch sea trout in spring or garfish in early summer, then fjord fishing in the Limfjord is the obvious choice. Fjord fishing in the Limfjord is particularly interesting when it comes to sea trout and garfish. See the many opportunities for coastal, fjord and pier fishing in North Jutland.
Sea, pier and fjord fishing
The beautiful streams in Northern Jutland are some of the best places to catch sea trout in Denmark and also contain good amount of brook trout.
The lake fishing is varied with pike, perch, zander and trout. See more possible lakes and streams that are good for fishing.
Lake and stream fishing
Sæby - En drøm for lystfiskere
Med 600 meter mole, 100 km å og én lang kyst er Sæby et paradis for lystfiskere. På sydmolen på den nye Sæby Havn kan du kaste snøren ud efter en lang række fisk fra den 600 meter lange nyanlagte mole, mens du deler tips, tricks og røverhistorier med andre lystfiskere. Sæby Å, der ligger i kort gåafstand fra Sæby Havn/molen, er et 100 km langt paradis for naturelskere, der også elsker fiskeri med spin, medegrej og flue og drømmer om at fange blandt andet bækørred.
Både nord og syd for byen er der lange kyststrækninger, der ikke er overrendte og derfor perfekte for dig, der virkelig sætter pris på fred og ro … og muligheden for pighvar. Så pak stængerne samt et alsidigt udvalg af agn og blink, og tag til Sæby på fiskeeventyr!
Klik på billedet for at finde mulige fiskesteder i sø og å.
Find the place where you want to fish in North Jutland

Photo:Peter Jørgensen