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Spritten - a part of history

Over time, the city of Aalborg has become synonymous with high-quality snaps. The tradition of spirit production is closely tied to Aalborg's former self-perception as the 'City of Smoking Chimneys.' During the industrial era, this slogan was not viewed negatively; quite the opposite. A factory chimney was seen as a sign of progress, development, and a hallmark of a thriving workplace.

In 2007, the Spritten factory was designated an industrial monument, along with 24 other industrial landmarks, to be part of a mosaic of buildings that narrate Denmark's industrial history. Designed by architect Alfred Cock-Clausen, Spritten exudes a characteristic blend of neoclassical and functionalist architectural styles. The factory represents a fusion of the need for tall and spacious buildings with beautiful embellishments such as window niches, rhythmically placed circular and rectangular patterns in the masonry, all of which contribute to the factory's unique character.

The factory was constructed in 1931 as part of a larger consolidation of DDSF (De Danske Spritfabrikker) factories. It was situated in the western part of the city to accommodate a street breakthrough on Vesterbro in the 1930s. In 1937, DDSF erected the 'Kimbrer Bull' on Vesterbro, where the old spirit factory had once stood.