Skagens Bamsemuseum (Teddy Bear museum)
The Teddy Bear Museum in Skagen is the first and only one in all Scandinavia
In Østerby Skagen lies Denmark’s coziest Teddy Bear Museum. Here lives all sorts of teddys, some with a historic background and others full of great stories. Common for them all is that they live at Skagen Teddy Bear Museum; here they fish, visit Amalienborg, takes a trip to the circus or the beach.
On Skagen Teddy Bear Museum you can among known, unique and handsewn teddy bears also find the popular German Steiff-teddy bear. The Steiff-teddy bear was introduced on the Leipzig toy fair in 1893, by Margarete and Richard Steiff. Steiff later tried to introduce their teddy bears on the American market without any luck. In 1903 an American representative saw the very same teddy bear, and immediately ordered 3.000. In the first year the first 12.000 teddy bears were sold in the USA. The sales of the teddy bear went crazy, and the teddy bear euphoria was by the press called “The Teddy Bear Craze”.
Today most people have a loving memory with a teddy bear and Skagen Teddy Bear museum is a place that can bring those memories back.