Shoppen is a shopping centre with 16 shops under the same roof. Here you will find a wide selection of everything from fashion and interior to sport and lifestyle.
In Shoppen, you are guaranteed a unique experience with great opportunities for shopping. Shoppen has a number of cozy places where you can enjoy a meal, and furthermore, it is possible to work out in the fitness centre on the first floor. Shoppen is located next to Aalborg Storcenter in City Syd.
Different stores in Shoppen
In Shoppen you will find a large variety of different specialty stores – everything from Bahne to Elgiganten to trendy stores such as Kings & Queens, H&M, Gina Tricot, and Vila. See the complete list of all the stores in Shoppen here...
You will also find the cinema Nordisk Film Biografer, which opened in March 2016, in Shoppen.
Free parking
Just outside of Shoppen, you will find 550 free parking spaces making it even easier to go shopping.
Exciting activities and new projects
Shoppen often hosts fun and exciting events which make your shopping something special. Check out the upcoming events here…
Follow Shoppen on the social media
Keep an eye on any news, great offers, exciting projects and events at Shoppen’s facebook page and at Instagram @shoppenaalborg.
Read more about Shoppen in Aalborg...