New Year on Læsø
Læsø is the perfect island for a cozy and peaceful New Year's Eve, whether alone, as a couple, or in the company of good friends. It offers great opportunities for tranquility, the fireworks are dog-friendly and limited, and the nature invites you to enjoy beautiful walks.
For more and more people, Læsø is the favourite destination for many holidays, and we can see that Læsø's tranquillity and beautiful nature, and not least the limited amount of fireworks in several of our holiday home areas, attracts many - including dog owners.
There are good opportunities to find a good and cosy holiday home for accommodation, and the local shops make it easy to shop for both home-cooked meals or a delicious New Year's menu ready for take-away.
Take-away makes it easy
Læsøslagteren has teamed up with Thorsen Fisks Eftf. and Café Buch to offer a great New Year's menu - here you can order from Palle at the butcher on 61 34 80 30, and no later than 26 December.
> See the details here on Læsøslagteren's Facebook page
> Se detaljerne her på Læsøslagterens Facebook
Mads at Hotel Nygaard has also created a delicious take-away menu - it can be viewed and ordered via their website: https://hotel-nygaard.dk/hoejtider/
Take the Læsø ferry for New Year on Læsø
The Læsø ferry is our lifeline, and of course it also runs around Christmas and New Year - but with some restrictions so that employees also have a chance to get home.
> See the Læsø ferry timetable here
Go for a walk on Læsø
Læsø offers many opportunities to get out and enjoy nature - and cultural heritage too, for that matter.
We have gathered some route suggestions on our theme page about hiking, and if you want a bigger challenge that can easily be spread over a few days, check out our Island Camino.
World-class cultural heritage
While you're on Læsø, it might be worth visiting our seaweed house routes, which take you past a part of Læsø's cultural heritage that is now included on UNESCO's international tentative list - the medieval salt mining, the deforestation of Læsø and the long period without wood and roofing material, which led to the unique seaweed roof construction technique.