Fishing license and fishing card in Sæby
Angling is a wonderful activity, where you'll experience the beautiful nature. But remember, it is your responsibility to know the rules before you head out with rod and line. As a angler you need a valid fishing license and fishing card. You'll need to learn the fishing restrictions and the preservation regulations.
We have made this definition so you are ready for your next fishing trip.
What is a fishing license?
If you are between 18 and 65 years and wishes to fish in the danish waters, you'll need to purchase the statutory fishing license.
The license can be purchased online at fisketegn.dk. The license can be purchased so it may apply for one day, a week or a year.
The fishing license is personal, which means that every angler must have their own fishing license and it is therefore not possible to purchase fishing licenses for an group or institution.
What is a fishing card?
Fishing in freshwater requires both the statutory danish fishing license as well as a fishing card to the concerned lake, river or brook, you wish to fish in. You can find more information regarding where you can purchase the local fishing cards, at the local tourist office.
Fishing cards for Sæby Å (Sæby Stream) can be purchased at JC Fiskegrej og Fritid (JC fishing equipment and leisure). The statutory fishing license can be purchased at the tourist office in Frederikshavn, Skandiatorv 1, 9900 and at the Sæby tourist office, Algade 14, 9300.
Remember protection zones and preservation regulations
There are statutory legislation regarding all year protection zones. These zones are placed at the outlet of river streams, brooks and indland waters. Fishing is prohibited in these zones, and fishing must not take place closer than 500 meter from an outlet.
If the outlet is less than 2 meters wide, the rules regarding protection zones only apply from 16th September to 15th of January.
Please notice that special rules regarding protection zones can apply for certain streams. For example at Voer Å (Voer Stream) and Elling Å (Elling Stream) outlets in Kattegat.
In addition, it is forbidden to fish in streams within a distance of 50 meters from respectively the inlet to or the outlet from artificially constructed fishing passages - eg. fishing stairs - and in the passage itself.