Bispensgade in Aalborg
Bispensgade is one of Aalborg’s longest shopping streets, where you will find all your shopping heart’s desires. The popular street is situated in the city centre and is busy throughout the day.
Bispensgade offers something for every age group, which is why there is so much traffic on it. Even though there are many people, it will not feel too crowded, as it is a very wide street. You can start the shopping spree at the top of the street on Vesterbro by the Cimbrian Bull – an Aalborg trademark.
Shopping for Everyone
For the women, there are plenty of clothing stores, and in case you need some accessories for your new clothes, just walk a few steps down the street to find jewellery stores and a universe of exclusive handbags, suitcases, and wallets in all shapes, colours, and sizes.
Bispensgade also has lingerie and swimsuit stores with a great selection of brands and styles. There are also shops with children and baby clothes, toys, and other things for your family.
Not even the men are safe from temptations as they walk down the street, as the newest styles and trends in men’s fashion are also to be found here. There are stores that appeal to the young segment as well as the more mature segment.
Let Your Interests Guide You
If you are looking for outdoor equipment, scout gear, or outdoor activities, Bispensgade is also the place to go. Further down the street, there is also room to satisfy your inner gadget nerd at the exclusive electronics store Humac, where you can find Apple products among other popular brands.
On the walk down Bispensgade, you can also choose to explore some of the side streets. For instance, the famous party street Jomfru Ane Gade but also Vesterå are nice places for a break and a bite to eat or a refreshing drink.
If you are planning to check out all the stores on Bispensgade, it will easily take half a day. If you take on the entire Bispelsgade, you will end up by the populare and busy Nytorv, after which you can continue the shopping adventure in the department store Salling and Aalborg’s second long shopping street, Algade, so be sure to take your time to explore more than just the one street when you visit Aalborg.