Beach Yoga in Sæby
Salute the sun and greet the new summer day
Tuck your toes into the sand and lift your heart and hands to the blue sky
Allow the gentle sound of the ocean waves to assist your breath
Awaken your body with deep but gentle yoga moves and stretches
Embrace the moment and let your body, mind and soul feast in the uplifting experience of morning yoga on the beach
Relax, let go and tune in to your self
Enjoy 75 minutes lovely yoga for only 50 DKK
Payment on arrival in cash
Please arrive no later than 8:50
Bring your own yoga mat or large towel + water.
Wear clothes that are sufficiently warm and suitable for moving.
If you sign in here, you will receive notice in case we have to cancel due to bad weather: https://www.facebook.com/beachyogavendsyssel