Den Bette Kro
In the heart of the city of Aalborg close by the Cathedral of St. Budolfi, one of the most traditional inns in Aalborg, Den Bette Kro. Don’t get the wrong impression by the name (The Tiny Inn) because the inn is far from tiny. Their menu covers all the Danish classics from ´smørrebrød´ or open faces sandwiches to dishes such as Danish steak and Danish meatballs, there is something for everybody.
The details and the inn atmosphere are in focus, and with the homecooked dishes it feels like a visit to your Danish grandmother where a delicious meal is never far off due to the secret ingredient; love.
Among the rise of Aalborg´s gastronomical landscape, the Den Bette Kro is a gem worth finding. An idyllic inn inspired restaurant where the traditional Danish way of cooking is key