Have your meeting in the land of the light
The light in North Jutland is unbelievable. Especially in Skagen, where a colony of painters in late 1800s made it world famous.
The land of the light
The light in North Jutland is unbelievable. Especially in Skagen, where a colony of painters in late 1800s made it world famous. It has since been debated, if it was the light or the unique nature, that charmed them, and the answer is most likely both. Measurements have shown, that there actually is more light on the beaches of Skagen; but not only that, it comes from a lot of different angles compared to the rest of Denmark. And the nature is truly magnificent, that is common knowledge, for everyone who come by to see it.
But to see things in a new light, is just as much about perspective. To choose location and surroundings, that helps you to move mentally. To create a totally unique atmosphere. It is right here in North Jutland you can do something exceptional.
In North Jutland we applaud the authentic and takes care of what we have. That’s why Aalborg is a member, and in top 5, of the world leading Global Destination Sustainability Index, which rates and ranks congress destinations for their achievements and efforts in sustainability.
A pinch of something extra
There is a lot of opportunities to combine your meeting with unique attractions and activities. A glass of champagne between the seas at “Grenen”, a presentation of an airplane hangar or a pinch of the unique atmosphere, that makes Aalborg both a cultural stronghold and the happiest metropolitan in Denmark. You can use the beaches, the forests, the fjord, cultural institutions, and the charming cities, for everything your heart desires, to make the meeting one, you will never forget.